Our mission is to promote the lifetime sport of tennis in the Greater Fort Worth Area.


We would like to keep all of our members up to date! Please take a moment to sign up for our league email, you may remove yourself at any time from this list.


Combo & Tri Level Tournaments

2025 Men’s/Women’s Combo Tournament
Registration Open: April @ Richland Tennis Center. May 23-25, 2025.

M/W: 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, & 9.5

Coordinator: Katie Mayer, combo@gfwtennis.com

2025 Men’s/Women’s Tri-Level-
Registration Open: October 1, 2025 @ Richland Tennis Center. November 7-8, 2025.
Sectionals: TBD Round Rock/Georgetown
National Invitational:TBD San Diego

M/W: 3.0, 3.5, &4.0
M/W: 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5
M/W: 4.0, 4.5 & 5.0

Team Match Format: 3 lines of doubles (one line for each NTRP)

Rosters: Minimum 6 players-caution to teams registering six players as a team, we will follow national guidelines for Tri-level Tournament–defaulting/retiring of lines may be subject to grievance procedures against the captain and team. Teams must be able to fill all lines for all matches. Retiring a match to play in another flight will not be tolerated. If you have any questions, contact the coordinator, Katie Mayer @ combo@gfwtennis.com. 

Age: Must be 18 years old to register for a team


  • Men & Women are separate divisions
  •  If you play locally, players must have played one match to be eligible to advance to Sectionals, sectional rules regarding ratings can be found HERE following the release of year end ratings.
  •  Self-Rates, A, T or M rates allowed for all levels locally, must follow sectional rules following year end rating update.
  • National Invitational rules and eligibility-click here

• All levels may advance to National Invitational Tournament.

Coordinator: Katie Mayer, combo@gfwtennis.com

FAQ: Can I play in the Ft Worth Combo or Tri Level Tournament and play in the Dallas or another area tournament? If you play in Ft Worth and you win the Ft Worth Championship you cannot play in another area championship tournament. Your team is advancing to sectionals representing Ft Worth.(Of note, every large USTA city has this rule, violation of this rule is subject to grievance and 11 month suspension.) Contact the coordinator if you have a question regarding this rule.








Important Links

The Greater Fort Worth Tennis Coalition is represented by area tennis organizations.
These organizations offer a variety of adult and junior tennis programs for respective areas.
Visit their website for additional information.

Learn more about USTA programs through these USTA websites.