Updated-January 15, 2025
Lonestar League-NEW OFFER! 3 lines of doubles, Thursday morning play. For 2.5 and below. Great league for new players who have some experience with red ball to move into the USTA 2.5 league. Contact the league coordinator for more information.
Attention! Captains/teams cannot default the majority of the lines.When playing 4 lines, 3 must play. If match is 3 lines, 2 lines must play. Contact the coordinator ahead of time if a team is unable to field the lines.
2.5 Captain/Player meeting is scheduled, Janaury 23 @ 11:00 the meeting is virtually, more information contact adultleagues@gfwtennis.com. A 3.0/3.5 meeting will be scheduled prior to the spring league season. More information to follow.
Captains/Players-New team management tool is available, check out the help guide HERE!
The Greater Fort Worth Tennis Coalition is represented by area tennis organizations.
These organizations offer a variety of adult and junior tennis programs for respective areas.
Visit their website for additional information.
Learn more about USTA programs through these USTA websites.